PSHE and Personal Development at Portal House School
At Portal House School, we believe Personal Development (PD) is crucial in shaping well-rounded young people prepared for life beyond school. Our PD program incorporates various aspects to equip students with the knowledge, skills, and character traits to thrive.
Areas Covered:
PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic education)
RSHE (Relationships and Sex Education) including Citizenship
Development of Character
Wider Opportunities
British Values
Inclusion & Equality of Opportunity
Careers Information, Education, Advice & Guidance (CEIAG)
SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural)
Focus on Key Areas:
RSHE: Our program emphasizes healthy relationships, respect, consent, appropriate boundaries, and online safety.We address sensitive topics like sexting, exploring gender identity respectfully, and recognising harmful behaviour.
Sex Education (Secondary): We provide age-appropriate knowledge about physical and emotional changes in adolescence, promoting safe and healthy relationships. We discuss contraception, pregnancy, and gender identity sensitively.
Physical Health & Mental Wellbeing: We promote healthy living through education on nutrition, exercise, sleep,drug and alcohol risks, and basic first aid. We also address mental well-being, teaching students to recognise emotions and seek support effectively.
PSHE: Pupils’ Wider Safety: Age-appropriate content equips students with skills to minimize risks. Out PSHE programme tackles cybercrime, online extremism, and financial exploitation.
Economic Understanding: We provide age-appropriate knowledge about money anagement, risks, and financial products. Secondary education explores financial exploitation, scams, debt management, and contracts.
Understanding of Technology & Media: Students learn about the impact of various media forms, including digital platforms. We teach them to assess online content reliability, identify risks of sharing information, and recognise fake news in secondary years.
Our program aligns with the National Curriculum, fostering active participation in society. Students learn to consider diverse viewpoints, weigh evidence, and articulate reasoned arguments. We equip them with the vocabulary and ground rules of debate and explanation.
Development of Character:
Building strong character is a priority at Portal House. We cultivate a pervasive ethos of application, high expectations, and self-discipline. We offer a wide range of opportunities to develop character traits like responsibility, respect, courtesy and perseverance. These traits are well-taught, modeled by staff, and celebrated when displayed by students.
Wider Opportunities:
We provide a variety of opportunities to:
Ensure high participation, focusing on inclusion for disadvantaged and SEND students.
Offer unique experiences beyond the curriculum through our enrichment programme.
Encourage sustained participation in chosen activities.
Organize curricular trips designed to enhance learning objectives.
British Values:
Students develop a strong understanding of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual tolerance, and respect. We explore the importance of these values and discuss the world without them.
Inclusion & Equality of Opportunity:
We foster an inclusive environment where everyone is valued. Students learn to challenge prejudice and understand that judging individuals based on group affiliation is unfair.
Our ambitious CEIAG program promotes high aspirations and aligns with the Gatsby Benchmarks and the Baker Clause. Secondary students gain exposure to diverse career options, skills employers seek, and support with applications, CV writing, and post-16 choices. Meaningful work experience in KS3 is complemented by other career exploration activities.
Spiritual: We develop understanding of different faiths and values, nurturing appreciation for the natural world and human creativity.
Moral: We guide students in discerning right from wrong, respecting others’ views, understanding consequences, and navigating moral dilemmas.
Social: We build social skills, encouraging confident communication and collaboration with diverse individuals.
Cultural: Students gain knowledge about cultural influences shaping the UK and recognise the value of shared experiences across communities.
Through this comprehensive Personal Development program, Portal House School empowers students to become well-rounded, responsible, and successful individuals who contribute positively to society.