Portal House School Admissions Guidance
Children are referred to the School by placement panels and Local Education SEN Officers which operate at local and County level.
All of the children have Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs (SEMH). In addition, many have complex health needs. Behaviour is the biggest barrier to accessing mainstream education.
Many of the children are underachieving and will require a great deal of help and support in the classroom.
On admission to the School, all children will undergo a period of assessment, as teachers find out what they can do and where there are gaps in their knowledge. As this process proceeds, teachers will begin to identify individual learning targets for the ‘new’ child.
The School has the same holidays as other Kent Schools and also, has 5 staff development days when children are not in School.
The Admission Interview
Prospective parents and children are welcome to visit the School as often as they like before the child is admitted to the School.
The formal admission interview is designed to enable parents and children to tour all parts of the School, to meet key members of staff and to ask any questions. Some parents and children find it helpful to write down a list of questions beforehand.
Equally, the admission interview allows us to ensure that parents and children understand how the School operates.
Once parents have decided that their child should attend the School, a starting date will be agreed.